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- Color Blind
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- Color Blind Glasses
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- Color Blindness
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- Color Vision
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- Colour Blind
- Colour blindness
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- Deutan color blindness
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- EnChroma
- EnChroma Blog
- EnChroma color blind test
- EnChroma Color Vision Test
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- Father of Color Blindness
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- Glasses for color blind people
- green deficient
- How EnChroma Glasses Work
- Impact of color blindness
- Interesting
- Interesting Facts about Color blindness
- John Dalton
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- Kids Color Blind Test
- Lens Guide
- Living with color vision deficiency
- Living with colour vision deficiency
- Mantis shrimp color blindness
- Mantis Shrimp Eye
- Mantis shrimp eyes
- Monochromatic
- Octopus color vision
- Pick a frame
- Pick a lens
- playing cricket with colour blindness
- Protan
- Protan color blindness
- Protanopia
- Rare color blindness
- red deficient
- Red Green Color Blind
- red green color blindness
- Red-Green Color Blindness
- Reveal
- school
- Trichromats
- Tritan color deficiency
- Types of color blindness
- Whale color vision
- What color is this?
- What do color blind people see
- what is it like to see color blind
- young

How to Gift EnChroma Glasses in 5 Easy Steps
So you want to give a more colorful kind of gift? You’ve come to the right place! Follow these 5 easy steps to give the color blind person in your life the gift of vibrant color vision.

Color Blindness in the Classroom & Beyond
Our primary goal is to see every color blind person reach their full potential. This is especially true for children. Though seemingly basic, the understanding of color plays a significant role in...